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🌟 Get Ready for Our Yoga Extravaganza! 🌟


Let's come together on March 30th at the Floral Pavilion of Hua Bo, and kick-start this day with a blast of yoga enthusiasm. CLESIGN reminds you:

🌈 活動安排 Event Schedule

📅 日期與時間 : 2024-03-30(六) 早上9:00 至 下午6點

📅Date & Time: March 30, 2024 (Saturday) from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

  • 地點:花博流行館。建議提前規劃路線,享受無壓旅程。

  • 上半場報到:早上9:00 - 9:30。讓我們以清新的晨光開始我們的瑜珈之旅。

  • 下半場報到:中午12:30 - 13:30。準備好讓身心再次與瑜珈融合。

  • 訂購整日狂歡票者早上報到後下午場可以依照上課時間選好位置唷!無需再重新報到。 📍 Location: Floral Pavilion of Hua Bo. We recommend planning your route in advance to enjoy a stress-free journey.

  • Morning Session Check-in: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM. Let's begin our yoga journey under the refreshing morning light.

  • Afternoon Session Check-in: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM. Get ready to merge your mind and body with yoga once again.

  • Participants with full-day passes need only check-in in the morning. Afternoon session attendees can select their spots according to class times without needing to re-register.

🌈 日程表清單Schedule Highlights

🚫 活動細節Event Details

  • 裝備:著裝輕便,舒適,為自由奔放的瑜伽動作做好準備。

  • 飲食:場內禁止攜帶外食,但水是必須的,保持水分充足,維持最佳狀態。

  • 我們非常重視您的安全和健康。如果您懷孕未滿3個月,建議您暫時避免參加課程,讓我們共同照顧您和您的寶寶。

  • Attire: Dress light, comfortable, and ready for the liberating movements of yoga.

  • Diet: Outside food is prohibited, but water is a must. Keep hydrated to maintain optimal performance.

  • We prioritize your safety and well-being. If you are less than 3 months pregnant, we recommend refraining from participating in the sessions to ensure the well-being of both you and your baby. 我們期待著在3月30日,於花博的流行館,與您一同綻放瑜珈的美好時刻!在這場充滿活力的盛會中! We look forward to sharing the beautiful moments of yoga with you on March 30th at the Floral Pavilion of Hua Bo! It's going to be an event filled with energy and vibrancy! Please let me know if you need any further assistance or modifications!



歡迎加入我們的春日復活甦醒瑜珈節專屬群組!🌸✨ 這個群組是您獲取3/30活動當天所有資訊的專屬通道。在這裡,我們將即時...
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