6月07日 週五
體驗頂尖瑜伽大師 Delia Leung 的深度修煉之旅(Embark on a Profound Yoga Journey with Master Delia Leung)
這是您不可錯過的絕佳機會!CLESIGN 非常榮幸地邀請到國際知名的 Dharma 瑜伽大師 Delia Leung,為您帶來兩場獨一無二的體驗課程,讓您深入探索瑜伽的奧秘,提升您的身心靈健康。 This is an opportunity you cannot miss! CLESIGN is honored to invite the internationally renowned Dharma Yoga Master, Delia Leung, to bring you two unique experiential courses that will deepen you
時間與地點 Time & Location
2024年6月07日 上午10:00 [GMT+8] – 2024年6月09日 下午1:00 [GMT+8]
CLESIGN STUDIO, 235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Lane 332, Section 2, Zhongshan Rd, 29號1樓之一
關於這次活動內容 About Event
這是您不可錯過的絕佳機會!CLESIGN 非常榮幸地邀請到國際知名的 Dharma 瑜伽大師 Delia Leung,為您帶來兩場獨一無二的體驗課程,讓您深入探索瑜伽的奧秘,提升您的身心靈健康。
Dharma 瑜伽輪工作坊(6月7日)時間: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (共2小時)
在這個工作坊中,您將體驗到由瑜伽傳奇 Sri Dharma Mittra 創立的瑜伽輪練習。瑜伽輪是一個極其優秀的工具,可以幫助您安全有效地進行熱身,並順利過渡到後彎、倒立及其他姿勢。這是提升柔韌性、平衡感和核心力量的絕佳機會,讓您的瑜伽練習更上一層樓!
迷你訓練營(6月8-9日)時間: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (共2.5小時)
這個迷你訓練營將帶領您深入探索 Sri Dharma Mittra 的 Shiva Namaskara Vinyasa 系列,這是一套冥想性且具挑戰性的序列,專注於脊柱運動、健康、心靈清晰及慈悲心。課程涵蓋深度療癒放鬆(Yoga Nidra)、呼吸練習,並結合了倫理規則(Yama)和瑜伽觀察(Niyama)的深刻教義。這是一個結合深度冥想和靈性修煉的課程,幫助您在現代生活中找到內心的平靜與力量。
不要錯過這個與 Delia Leung 一同探索瑜伽奧秘的難得機會。無論您是初學者還是有經驗的瑜伽愛好者,這兩場課程都將為您帶來無與倫比的體驗。立即報名,享受特別體驗價,讓我們一起踏上這段充滿啟發與挑戰的瑜伽之旅!
Last Call! Explore the Yoga Journey with Delia LeungDear Yoga Enthusiasts,
This is an opportunity you cannot miss! CLESIGN is honored to invite the internationally renowned Dharma Yoga Master, Delia Leung (梁惠婷), to bring you two unique experiential courses that will deepen your understanding of yoga and enhance your physical and spiritual well-being.
Dharma Yoga Wheel Workshop (June 7)In this workshop, you will experience the yoga wheel practice created by the legendary Sri Dharma Mittra. The yoga wheel is an exceptional tool that helps you safely and effectively warm up and transition into backbends, inversions, and other poses. This is a perfect opportunity to enhance your flexibility, balance, and core strength, taking your yoga practice to the next level!
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (2 hours)
Mini Training (June 8-9)This mini training camp will immerse you in Sri Dharma Mittra’s Shiva Namaskara Vinyasa series, a meditative yet challenging sequence focusing on spine movement, health, mental clarity, and compassion. The course includes Deep Healing Relaxation (Yoga Nidra), breathing practices, and integrates profound teachings of Ethical Rules (Yama) and Yogic Observance (Niyama). This combination of deep meditation and spiritual practice will help you find inner peace and strength in modern life.
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (2.5 hours)
Don't miss this rare opportunity to explore the depths of yoga with Delia Leung. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner, these two courses will offer you an unparalleled experience. Register now to enjoy the special experience price and join us on this inspiring and challenging yoga journey!
日程表 Schedule
2 小時Dharma 瑜伽輪工作坊 Dharma Yoga Wheel Workshop (June 7)
2 小時 30 分鐘迷你訓練營 Mini Training (June 8-9)
門票 Tickets
早鳥Early Bird: JUN 7
Dharma 瑜伽輪工作坊(6月7日) - 2小時課程 設計目的: 作為未來全面培訓班的入門課程 原價: NT$ 4,280 此價格為課程的標準定價,反映了課程的高品質與專業指導。 早鳥價格: NT$ 2,280 為鼓勵早期報名的學員,我們提供限時優惠的早鳥價格,這是參加課程的最佳時機! Dharma Yoga Wheel Workshop (June 7) - 2-hour session Purpose: Designed as an introductory course for future full training programs Original Price: NT$ 4,280 This price reflects the standard rate for the course, highlighting its high quality and professional instruction. Early Bird Price: NT$ 2,280
$2,280.00+$57.00 service feeSale endedJUN 7 : Dharma 瑜伽輪工作坊
Dharma 瑜伽輪工作坊(6月7日) - 2小時課程 設計目的: 作為未來全面培訓班的入門課程 原價: NT$ 4,280 此價格為課程的標準定價,反映了課程的高品質與專業指導。 特別體驗價: NT$ 3,280 我們提供特別體驗價,讓更多瑜伽愛好者有機會體驗這次獨特的課程,並感受瑜伽輪的神奇效果。 Dharma Yoga Wheel Workshop (June 7) - 2-hour session Purpose: Designed as an introductory course for future full training programs Original Price: NT$ 4,280 This price reflects the standard rate for the course, highlighting its high quality and professional instruction.
$3,280.00+$82.00 service feeSale ended早鳥Early Bird: JUN 8&9
迷你訓練營(6月8-9日) - 2日小培訓 時間: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM(每日2.5小時) 原價: NT$ 7,880 此價格為課程的標準定價,體現了課程的深度和導師的專業水準。 早鳥價格: NT$ 5,880 為鼓勵早期報名的學員,我們提供限時優惠的早鳥價格,這是參加這次獨特訓練營的最佳機會! Mini Training (June 8-9) - 2-day mini training Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (2.5 hours per day) Original Price: NT$ 7,880 This price reflects the standard rate for the course, showcasing the depth of the course and the expertise of the instructor.
$5,880.00+$147.00 service feeSale ended週末迷你訓練Mini Training (June 8-9)
迷你訓練營(6月8-9日) - 2日小培訓 時間: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM(每日2.5小時) 原價: NT$ 7,880 此價格為課程的標準定價,體現了課程的深度和導師的專業水準。 特別體驗價: NT$ 6,880 我們提供特別體驗價,以鼓勵更多學員參與這次深度靈修和身心鍛煉的迷你訓練營。 Mini Training (June 8-9) - 2-day mini training Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (2.5 hours per day) Original Price: NT$ 7,880 This price reflects the standard rate for the course, showcasing the depth of the course and the expertise of the instructor.
$6,880.00+$172.00 service feeSale ended